Energy Use in the Old Meadows

If all the Victorian houses in the Old Meadows were upgraded as outlined in our Insulation Guide, then 2,915 tonnes of carbon could be saved each year!
That's equivalent of taking more than 4,834 flights from London to New York.
This means that our community could save £2 million every year in energy bills.
We have calculated these figures using the Green Meadows Future Fit Plans and house study carried out in the Old Meadows Conservation Area.
The Future Fit Plans are bespoke guides for homeowners on how their homes can be upgraded to reduce energy use. They give an overview of the measures that can be taken and give an estimate of the difference they will make. They are based on detailed surveys of the homes which are used to produce an energy model of the house by our Retrofit Coordinators using SAP 2012. SAP 2012 is an industry recognised home energy modelling software that gives a much more accurate assessment of the home than an EPC report. The software is then used to model the predicted energy saving for each retrofit measure and overall predicted energy use if all the retrofit measures are carried out. We have carried out assessments on 10% of houses in the Old Meadows (approximately 140 in total).
We have also carried out a study of the range of house types in the Old Meadows. The different 'Archetypes' are based on the different configurations of Victorian houses found in the Old Meadows, one of which you will have selected to produce this guide. We have counted how many houses of each archetype are in the Old Meadows. We then ensured that we carried out future fit assessments on a large enough sample of each type to allow an accurate prediction of each archetypes' average energy use and potential saving. The figures above are based on this study giving you an idea of the positive difference retrofitting your home will make. We have extrapolated the figures from our study across all the houses of the Old Meadows.
If you would like a Future Fit Home Plan for your house which includes estimates of costings please contact the Green Meadows team.
Call us on: 0115 718 2028